Tips for Organizing Drawers!

Hey everyone !

Today i will be blogging about one of the most common problems we all go thru, and that is, messy drawersss!!! 
I ll show how quickly i organized and give you guys some tips to keep them organized at least for a little while :) 

First thing to do is, 

we generally keep the stuff which we don't use with the thought that the thing might be helpful.. but trust me guys, if you haven't used something for 3 or 4 months you are not likely to use it later as well :p because you ll eventually forget what you saved, haha !

well, this is a step that takes time .. since v have all sorts of things laid up in the drawers. So categorize them in order to put away similar stuff together..

well well, talking about buying organizers, when i say buy, remember it doesn't have to be something fancy and expensive ! I bought mine from IKEA which costed me around 12 AED, and i believe that's really economic! 
There are many other stores too that sells economic organizing stuff like partitioned boxes, baskets and other stuff in all different sizes. 
A Japanese store called DAISO have a wideee range of organizing stuff.

hello to the creative people :) !  those of you who can make their organizers themselves, that's awesome ! because then you can customize it easily according to your drawer and cabinets size as well as according to your collection! 
DIYs can be done from shoe boxes, other card board cartons, cereal boxes and so on ! 

So now lemme share a pic of my drawer! DISCLAIMER: it is a picture taken after throwing my junk! because trust me, with the junk, the picture would have also been looked like a junk ! LOL :p
and i categorized my stuff too..

This is how my cosmetic drawer looked.. and yes i know it looks crazy ! Those of you who have more stuff then yours would be even more chaotic :p

And this is how it looked after organizing! satisfying enough ? for me a big YESSS! because its hard to find stuff when kept randomly.. 

Oh and for the lipsticks, this is how they turned out, 

I don't have too many, so those of you who have more, can get these organizers more.. i got this purple organizer for 7 AED.. good deal right !

The IKEA one looked like this.. i got this size because this was perfect for my drawer size and partitioned according to my needs.. i have limited stuff which easily fitted into this one :)

Oh BTW, i do have some makeup brushes too, which obviously i don't keep in drawers.. i keep them in a cylindrical container which came along with the brushes itself :)

That's it for now! Hope you guys find this blog helpful! 
and before i finish, i would add that these organizers are truly multipurpose! they can be used anywhere in home.. kitchen , powder room etc etc ! :D



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